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Building Owners & Managers Association of New Jersey

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March Meeting

  • 03/30/2016
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Westin - Governor Morris Inn, Morristown NJ
  • 0


  • Special price for members and member colleagues

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Click here to register for the April Meeting

March 30, 2016

You have all asked at one time or another:

Is the grass really greener on the other side?


Now you can learn the answer!


The Building Owners and Managers Association of New Jersey is proud to present our panel of experts to discuss the differences between managing Office vs. Industrial vs. Medical Office vs. Retail vs. Residential.


Mark Hockenjos, Moderator, Boston Properties, Princeton, New Jersey

Patrick Connelly, Industrial Management, Federal Business Centers, Edison, New Jersey

Nate Laskiewicz, Medical Office Management, Rendina Healthcare, Belleville, New Jersey

Ron DeBiasse, Retail Management, Lone Eagle Management, Florham Park, New Jersey

Paul Santoriello, Residential Management, Taylor Management, Whippany, New Jersey



·         What is the largest difference between your sector and the others?

·         What is the largest problems a manager faces in your sector faces?

·         Is there any special training required to jump from one sector to another?

·         What advice would you give a manager professional looking to enter your sector of Management?

·         Q&A


BOMA MEMBERS $97.00 Members       

BOMA Wait Listed Members $125.00    

Non-Members $180.00                             

Walk-ins $200.00


Attendees will earn .75 CPD credits.


5:30pm Registration + Networking

6:30pm Dinner + Presentation


Westin - Governor Morris Inn

 Morristown NJ





Silver Sponsor


Bronze Sponsors





Want to have your company recognized by BOMA members?  

Enroll in the annual sponsorship program -

call Dolores at 973-696-2914 


Gold Sponsor:

Silver Sponsors:



Bronze Sponsors:



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Copyright © 2024 BOMA New Jersey. All rights reserved. 

Contact Us:

(973) 696-2914

1617 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Suite 810

Philadelphia, PA 19103-1819

The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is a federation of 93 BOMA U.S. associations, BOMA Canada and its 11 regional associations and 13 BOMA international affiliates. Founded in 1907, BOMA represents the owners and managers of all commercial property types including nearly 10 billion square feet of U.S. office space that supports 3.7 million jobs and contributes $205 billion to the U.S. GDP. Its mission is to advance the interests of the entire commercial real estate industry through advocacy, education, research, standards and information. BOMA/New Jersey has been federated with BOMA International since 1974. Find BOMA International online at

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