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Building Owners & Managers Association of New Jersey

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New Solar PV Technologies and Procurement Techniques that Streamline your Asset's path to 2050 Carbon-Neutrality

  • 03/31/2022
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Virtual - Link provided upon registration


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Today at 1:00PM

Will Community Solar Work for You?

New Solar Technologies and Procurement Techniques that Streamline your Asset's path to 2050 Carbon-Neutrality

Thursday, March 31, 2022 

Time:  1:00 - 2:00 pm

Program Objective:  

The NJ Energy Masterplan adopted in 2019 requires buildings to displace fossil fuel electricity sources with renewable, or purchase carbon recapture services to achieve 100% Carbon-Neutrality by 2050. 

This program will illustrate “thin-film “and other technologies that add creative options for what might work best for your buildings. 

Also, if you do not have an option for solar PV at your site, NJ has a “virtual” option for you to build solar remotely – Community Solar. 

Finally, if procuring solar PV is not your forte, experts can help you find the right company to deliver the best systems and services.

Expert Presenters:

New Technology - EZnergy

Community Solar - Solar Landscape

Procuring Solar - SolarKal


Cost:  This webinar is free for all BOMA Members and their Guests.  Wait-List are $10 each and Non-Members are $35 each.  

The link to the webinar will be provided after your register.

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(973) 696-2914

1617 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Suite 810

Philadelphia, PA 19103-1819

The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is a federation of 93 BOMA U.S. associations, BOMA Canada and its 11 regional associations and 13 BOMA international affiliates. Founded in 1907, BOMA represents the owners and managers of all commercial property types including nearly 10 billion square feet of U.S. office space that supports 3.7 million jobs and contributes $205 billion to the U.S. GDP. Its mission is to advance the interests of the entire commercial real estate industry through advocacy, education, research, standards and information. BOMA/New Jersey has been federated with BOMA International since 1974. Find BOMA International online at

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